“The signal in the physical world is the foundation of design. We can understand how the human system works in order to design the most effective signals in a world full of distractions.”
― Dano Qualls
I am Muirén, and my specific focus with🧙🏾♀️Spelkast🪄, is leveraging the potential of MIDI 2.0, to enable a flexible, highly adaptive cyber-physical framework for cooperative creation, community relationship management, and seamlessly immersive participatory performance.
Foundational specifications for MIDI 2.0 were released in February 2020, which allowed MIDI Association members, including Operating System companies, to start practical implementation of the MIDI 2.0 specification.
This participatory action communication by demonstration extension of 👩🏽💻🤖TinyMaker.Space🛠️, serves as the organizing, evangelizing force, and funding source for my goal of establishing a permanent home and makerspace that is self-supporting through its own efforts, primarily through sales of uniquely crafted, tangible fusions of art and tech, as well as performing arts.